ive been opening the same blog, staring at the same old blank post and leaving it just like that. ive been doing that for a week now. it seems like there's nothing much to write when you are situated here without an urge to gossip about anything. well i should just make one anyway since i promised you guys to do so. monday is shockingly horrid especially when the college is re-accentuating preps for IB students during the night. i couldnt say much as majority of the seniors preferred to nod in agreement rather than to stand up for whats right. ah seniors. just dont comprehend them.as usual my disastrous tongue began to mumble words of disagreement. anyhow tuesday was the closing ceremony of the college's sports carnival. yes and they made me run in a marathon. so i ran. i ran so hard that my head couldnt care less about the subtle life i'm living in.i reached the finishing line but it was worst than any of the marathons ive been through before. and believe it or not i'm in yellow house. i laughed the first time i received the message ''cikgu buat lawak eh? urmmm rumah merah ade kosong tak?'' haha. my attempts were to no avail as expected. and so i met my new house captain, a senior only eighteen years of age with sky-rocking hairstyle only god of fashion can describe how weird his hair-do is.i have to say i was impressed at first though his profound, distinct appearance reminds me of tyler.he is a good captain with supertalented skills.he should be absurdly devastated to have such a pemalas useless member like me.ive been sleeping all this while during those long weekly meet-ups.sleepy lah. just so you know belle he was from mrsm langkawi. i know youre smiling at the moment so dont worry just take your time. the college is inviting new faces from the juniors for the student representative council election. its not what you think. no no no damn no i am not running for any posts. i think thats about it. oh and dont read any of those sekolah berasrama karangkraf mags. its berserkly important so stay out of it.btw i am so fat now. fat i tell you. i dare not put any pictures because its too flabbylous and m afraid you wont recognise me by first look. do take care of yourslef in sunway. do your physics thing with style.
How to save a life
1 month ago