
Thursday 9 October 2008

dafi is gay

i am sorry but i just dont like him.
i drove my maid to the nearest supermarket to buy some vege. went in and dafi was entertaining the crowd with some antique ala ala retro raya songs
maid: eh adik itu yang keluar di dalam tv itu yeaaaaaa?
me: ah? oh ye kot
maid: pergi! pergi! ambilkan gambarnyaaa si
me: hah? tak nak la malas
maid: itu dafi itu kan. ah mengapa si kamu tidak mahu. dia kan itu top penyanyinya (blablablabla)
me: die gay la kak
maid: gay itu apa si?
me: urgh sayur dah beli blom? gi la beli mama marah nanti
maid: oh baik baik
i dont see snaping pictures of dafi as something desirable. but when my maid starts to ramble aimlessly i just have to do something to make her happy. and of course to make her shut up. hahahahahahaha. since i am a kind-hearted person who is very much courageous to push around the stupid paparazzi, i went to the front row and took his pictures. snap snap snap snap! yeah thats the spirit. nak amek gamba gi depan la ape class amek belakang belakang. haha. my maid was screaming when she knew about my courageous attempt. yeah youre welcome.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha. So that's what he's up to now. (He was my senior. Hahaha xDDD)

Anonymous said...

Rumour has it that he is sleeping around with men.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha. He is so screwed up. He is now into drugs, besides he loves good looking men with large private parts. He often cruise for some 'fun' at the gym. This is an open secret that he is gay.