
Thursday 9 October 2008

jhar dan si sunway

pagi pagi jhar dah kacau

so we went to sunway the first thing in the morning. haha but it was fun lah.we went all around sunway to find the perfect present for aussie. yeah and he bought her some ------ which is super cool ok. seriously jhar its beautiful and she will scream. jhar you should thank me a thousand times and mintak ampun to jimbo a thousand times because saya pilih that thing for you. dududududududu. from now on jimbo will be treated fairly. maybe i should make a cover of mariah carey's album called the "emancipation of jimbo". hahahaha. ok thats stupid.

owh look at it sleep. guinea babis are cute alalalalala

and this evil guy is trying to eat them.

the world is full of evil people like him. and half of them are medicine 43 guys (:


Anonymous said...

ampun qyna
ampun jimbo

minta maaf (gaya adam mintak maaf kat kubur)



qyna.belle.arine said...

adam tu sgt cute ok jhar.

kamu itu walau mcm mane pon nak tiru adam tetap tak cute and tak honest meminta maaf!

one day when jimbo dies you have to buy me a new one dude.
