it was another saturday when bapak forces abang to get his poor waja to kyuem to fetch his two spoilt adeks who intend to be loyal members of pbsm. huhu. as usual, big bros are always punctual..sometimes more than punctual. he came way earlier than i thought he would. then we stopped by the guys chalet to pick luqman up, but only a laundry basket and a backpack awaits at the sapphire area...rite. nk call pn battery phone die kong..adeih. thus we went to and forth by the chalet area. no luqman. by the time we reached at the last row of chalets nearest to the cafe abang decided to reverse. he drove on the steel cover of longkang to adjust. suddenly abang's head became lower than mine. bumper kerete masuk longkang!! aaaaa!!! my eyes caught hold on someone studying in the chalet with his windows open, mengadap kitorang. dier tgk waja tenggelam dlm longkang jap, pastu he continued with his reading. i couldnt help laughing. maybe its something normal, abang says. huhu. right. we went out of the car and abang went to that guy and asked for his help. within one minute, he came with more guys, about 10? tatau2..cnt imagine how awkward it was, being the only girl there, with so many guys, near the guys' chalet area, figuring out how to get the bumper out of the longkang. seems tht the cement of that drain is of low quality, it cnt even support the bumper of the car. i just stood beside abang, and watched them doing this and that, while trying endlessly to call luqman or anyone possible tht cn reach hm. aft trying some brilliant ways, using some scientific ways i guess, they finally resorted to the method u dun even need to think to know. reramai diorg angkat kerete tu on the road again. haha. have to admit, it was pretty impressive. and i thought i saw one of them eyeing me than eyeing abang. rite, i knw wht he's thinking. we r so different. just the way ppl would say about luqman n me. yeah2. but it was kinda amusing, and way unexpected. anyway, by the time they managed to get the car out of tht longkang, luqman was still missing. so we round the area...again.
luckily, his friend who helped us earlier with the car noticed. so, he helped us call and identify luqman's position at tht moment. huhu. rupe2 nye selame2 tu budak tu kt cafe tgh jamming. cesss....on the way to the cafe..abang said to me, he's a nice guy, u shud put him in your list..bagus tu. werk*werk* i gave him the dont-u-think-its-too-early-for-me-and-i-knw-he's-a-nice-guy-but-thts-not-the-point-look. pastu die gelak gler. cess. i thought brothers are supposed to be protective. ape2 laa...then we head fr home aft picking luqman up at the cafe.
i just got back frm the pot luck at mak imah's house. unfortunately i dun have any pics this time, coz well, there was spaghetti, so like, i ws busy eating hehe :D we watched some horror movie aft terawih which seems to me became a comedy because of the random comments from the audience. nk takut pn x leh. cess. bapak went to kuala kangsar to have dinner with "abg Azlan" bak kater pak lang, and i guess he wasnt there to tell me his common advice, "Arinah, kiter makan untuk hidup bukan hidup untuk makan" heheh. oh yeah, i think i heard his car coming in the garage. and 2day b4 i went home, tokwan gave me a kiss on the cheek. :D "elok2 org lembah berangin" he said. hahah. no matter he always feels tht lembah berangin is a more ideal name compared to lembah beringin for some unknwn reason. hehe.
and 2mrw!! im going to enjoy!!! :) trials just ended..yeah!:)
p/s belle..u nk tgk the other boelyn girl tak this wed? or love guru? ill book the tickets. u think the others nk tgk x?
How to save a life
1 month ago
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