
Saturday 3 May 2008

Tiring to surprising to tiring...

"Bila engkau memandang segalanya dari Tuhan-mu,
yang menciptakan segalanya,
yang menimpakan ujian,

yang membuat keinginan terhalang dan menyusahkan hidupmu,

pasti akan damailah hatimu kerana masakan

Allah sengaja mentakdirkan segalanya untuk sesuatu yang sia-sia.
Bukan Allah tidak tahu derita hidupmu,
retaknya hatimu,
tapi mungkin itulah yang Dia mahu
kerana Dia tahu
hati-hati sebeginilah
yang selalunya lebih lunak dan mudah
untuk dekat dan akrab dengan-Nya."

I saw these words sometime around last year, few weeks before spm. It was written by a senior for a friend dear to me. Last night, again I saw the truth in these words. :) Even after I left school, always there must be something that will pull me near to it, whether it's a person who is in need of someone to listen, or the fact that you have the love for the grounds you've basically grown up on, that witnessed so many memories (no matter how much you try to deny it). My idea of having a relaxing weekend kinda didn't work out. Instead I think it's rather surprising. But the nice thing is I spent most of the time sightseeing, going out with Abang in the morning and returning home at night. And the thing about going out with Abang, whenever it's time to pray, he'd stop at the nearest mosque. I think in two days, we went to four different mosques. There was this one mosque we stopped during Asar, and it was full of school children, at least at the female side. And it was weird, feeling so adult. :) when around you are basically, kids. Haha..but they're cute. And there's this mosque with a lift to the ablution room and is so big, I almost lost my way. There was this other mosque where I saw this man on a wheelchair, he couldn't walk, but he came for Zuhur and Asar, earlier than us. We were both on wheels, just that his, was without an engine :) but he would always reach there early. And he'd wait after finishing the prayers, and shook hands with the Muslims who came to pray too. But summing up everything with a movie really rhymes it with fun. (But I'm still tired)...not mentioning that suddenly, there will be this open house for the BIG family tomorrow....:) Hmm..I wonder where Bapak gets all the stamina to go through this hectic life^_^ When I'm back at kyuem tomorrow, I bet that the first thing I'd find is the bed and really, really SLEEP.

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