
Thursday 26 June 2008


Everyone's basically talking about this issue. Tokwan talks about it. Bapak talks about it. Pak Lang talks about it. Last night he debated with me about why 1 litre of oil is cheaper than 1 litre of starbucks. Bapak's conclusion that shut up both of us: U're comparing a car and a bicycle!
Moral of the story: Never challenge a Physics professor.
The power and glory--->Now it all lies in who is capable of producing an alternative for renewable energy.
"There are lots of terawatts to play for and lots of money to be made. And if the planet happens to be saved on the way, that is all to the good."
-The Economist-
Today's front page of The Star makes me think. Is a Serban actually capable of replacing the role of a helmet? Or is it because it's common sense that people don't really think about it? Right..haha.. Adzreen used to say that the one thing I'm lack of...COMMON SENSE! True, true. I agree. Anyway, as renovations continue to occur downstairs, I'm stuck in my room again, now devoted to Maths. But then I guess my interest went to the articles in the internet since morning. So untouched homework remains untouched.
I went to Tokwan's house last night. And he was reading this new book of his. "Kejadian di Akhir Zaman" and one of the hadith says about time moving faster. The interpretation in the book is that towards the last days, people will feel that time is moving faster and faster. Probably because people are busier with all the matters to attend to. And the book mentioned something about the berkah of time itself. But truly, I do feel that time passes faster than it used to.
Hey..I'm in the educational mood today. Wo...haha..but I have doubts if it would last long.

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