
Saturday 15 March 2008

and they say beware the ides of march

a popular phrase indeed.


the ides of


originates from shakespeare and refers to impending julius caesar act 1-scene 2 a soothsayer or should i personally say a bomoh relates to caesar 'beware the ides of march'.warning caesar of his impending death.julius caesars bloody assassination on march 15.44bc.forever marked march 15.or the ides of a day of has fascinated scholars and writers ever since.for ancient romans living before that event.however an ides was merely one of several common calendar terms used to mark monthly lunar jc hs been explaining to us in class that ides means middle thus indicating the middle of march.the beginning and the end are known as kalends?calends?uhg lupa.the ides simply marked the appearance of the full moon.
the assassination of julius caesar


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